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Increase your income by farming as a business

Learn the financial and business skills you need to successfully put more money in your pocket


Thinking of getting a loan to build your farming business


Obtain the financial skills you need to understand the basics of money and how finance can help your build the business of your dreams.


You will receive your own Certificate of Completion that can be used to certify your successful completion of the program.


Click on the red button to register your contact details and we send you can get started.

Talking About Money


  • Make better spending, saving and investment decisions

  • Reach your financial goals without having to rely on external support like money from your parents or relatives

  • Use financial services and products with confidence, eg. bank

  • Prepare for your financial responsibilities and move from economic dependence to independence.

  • Develop risk management strategies and make plans for achieving short- and long-term financial goals


The course is intended to assist both young people, who are in transition from financial dependency to financial independence, as well as more mature people who have limited experience dealing with money.  


The course has a particular focus on young people as their role in society is changing and they have new economic responsibilities. It is essential to equip young women and men with financial knowledge and management skills to enable them to set goals in life and make plans for realizing them.  The course content can be equally applied to all members of society.  This part of the course introduces basic knowledge skills and tools related to the following topics:


  • Basics of money

  • Budgeting

  • Financial fitness

  • Introduction to cash flow

  • Saving

  • Borrowing

  • Wasting money


You can complete your the course in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace.  Simply email or wattsapp and questions and your completed exercises to receive your own Certificate of Completion.


Computer with Graph

Thinking of getting a loan to build your farming business


Funding providers such as banks, savings and loan societies or other investors will need to see that you have a good business idea and can make a profit.  They want to know they can get the money back they lend to you.


Developing your own business plan can be difficult and time consuming, especially if you have never done it before.  With our support, you will have your own business plan, together with the knowledge about how your business is expected to perform.


Click on the red button to register your contact details and we can get started.

Business Planning


A business plan is very important for your business success. A good business plan not only helps you focus on the specific steps necessary to make your business ideas succeed, but it also helps you to achieve both your short-term and long-term objectives. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.


We can help you develop your own business plan wherever you are through the following steps:


Step 1:  Getting to know each other


We will have a phone conversation and talk through your business idea, or if you have an existing business, your plans to take it to the next level.  Based on that initial discussion, we will then send you a questionnaire to complete that helps us both consider how your business can achieve your goals.


Step 2: Writing the business plan


We will then develop a simple to understand business plan that covers the following topics:


  • A short description of your business and its vision

  • The problem that your are solving and how you will solve it

  • Who your market is and why people will buy from you

  • Any funding that you might need

  • How you will market and sell your product

  • Your financial forecast, including profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow

  • When you expect things to be completed by

  • Who will work in the business and any partners you may have


During this tome, we will be in regular contact to discuss various aspects of the business plan.


Step 3: Review to ensure the plan is correct and understood


We will email / wattsapp the business plan and have a phone conversation to review the business plan and check that everything is in order. 

Farming Field

Don't be a labourer to your land; learn the essential financial and business skills required to farm as a business and put more money in your pockets


An interactive online training and mentoring program that will inspire you to organise yourself, improve productivity, find new markets and build savings and wealth for you and your family.


Click on the red button to register today!

Farming for Profit


Agriculture has long been quoted as the backbone of the PNG economy.  But where is agriculture today?


The Farming as a Program aims to strengthen the agriculture backbone. It does this by assisting farmers to move beyond subsistence farming and learning to run their farms as a business and earn more income.  The program introduces business concepts and working through the development of a farm business plan.  Participants work through each section of the business plan as part of a group and individually and complete their own farm business plan for their own farm. 


The program challenges the way you currently think – we always say agriculture is the backbone of the economy – but is it really?  PNG has plentiful resources, yet our people receive the least benefit – we must change this by thinking about the way we do things differently – our farmers own the land – lets build a future using that land more effectively.


Our main objectives for the program are for farming families to:


  • Learn new concepts and think about how they can be applied in your own farm

  • Learn from each other – share experiences and discuss better ways of doing things

  • Develop your own farm business plan that will help you make more money


During the program you will learn:


  • Financial concepts – talking about savings, cash flow, borrowings and financial fitness

  • Business concepts – you will learn about:

    • Farming as a business and how events around the world impact you

    • The farm business cycle – assess opportunities, plan, implement and evaluate the difference between a farm business and farm enterprise

    • How to track profit, income, costs and cash flow

    • Risks and how to manage them

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